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    Teaching and Traveling in Argentina

    Teaching English in Argentina

    Argentina is a country with high standards in the teaching field, as it has always had a large population of English speakers.

    In terms of salary, teachers get paid between $50-80 Argentinian Pesos per hour. This is around US $600 - $850 USD monthly. Your pay is in accordance with your qualification and experience and if you work full time or part- time. With this teaching salary you are able to support yourself. Also, expect to work about 20 or 40 hours per week in total with weekends off. Most teaching opportunities are usually found in Buenos Aires; however, other options could be Mendoza, Cordoba or the Patagonia.

    Competition is tough; therefore, the aspiring teacher must group as many qualifications as possible. Contacts are crucial and business English teaching is more rewarding, although there are a number of private language schools that one can apply to. Materials, such as books can be limited, as a result, it is best that the teacher plans ahead for these situations. A one bedroom apartment can cost up to $300 USD - $600 per month depending on the area.

    The best time of the year for hiring would be March to April. We have 6 month contracts but we recommend teachers to sign a one year contract in order to obtain the necessary working documentation. Nevertheless, most schools ask for a 6 month commitment minimum. Large language schools and most employers usually assist with the required paper work.

    Traveling in Argentina

    Argentina well-known as the "most European country" of all South America, since many Europeans left their home for this beautiful country and have clearly influenced the country's architecture, food, and culture in general. It is situated in the southern hemisphere, next to Chile and southwest of Brazil. The population of this vast, rich natural resource and stunning country is estimated to be just less than 40 million. The "pampas" or flat lands host farm lands, ranches, and beef cattle.

    The climate is very mild for the most part, ranging from 90F to 68F during the summer and from 54F to 39F during the winter. Seasons are cooler in the southern Patagonia and at higher altitudes.

    Argentine people are fairly conservative, polite, family-oriented, and proud. Wear your nicest clothes, as they do pay attention to appearance. Their Spanish is certainly infused with Italian phrases and accent. Some astonishing places to travel around are the giant Iguazu Falls, the wine growing territory, the relaxing mountainous vistas in Patagonia, or the short ride to Colonial, Uruguay; certainly a must-see town!