Teaching English: Articles

What is the meaning of TEFL, TESL & TESOL?
By International Teacher Training Organization
- TEFL: Teaching English as a Foreign Language – a term that refers to teacher training programs in EFL.
- TESL: Teaching English as a Second Language, Canada - national federation of teachers and providers in Canada. A term that refers to teacher training programs in ESL.
- TESOL: Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages – a term that is used to distinguish English language teaching as a professional activity that requires specialized training. Also refers to the teacher examinations developed by Trinity College London (Cert.TESOL and LTCL.Dip.TESOL). Also, a US-based international association of teachers of English as a second or foreign language. There are regional affiliates and many countries have their own affiliated associations.
- What is a TEFL / TESL / TESOL certificate?: A Teaching English as a Foreign / Second / to Speakers of Other Language Certificate is an internationally recognized qualification that enables people/english teachers to Teach English as a Foreign or Second Language.
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